Photo editing

Wednesday morning, it's such a boring day for me because of my bad habit for woke up at noon , today i miss the chance to visit aquaria near klcc, but nevermind i can visit it tomorrow, better than did nothing in this morning i train myself on photo editing's my first time did it so i need a tutor, luckily i found some web that teach me to do that and here i present too you my very first photo editing

The spooky castle!!!!

well does it looks spooky, i hope so, well actually i ruin some part of the original picture, but i think it's still oc because i'm still learning.

here is the original picture

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I spent a lot of times too color this one coz i remake it for SIX times!!!! for my entire life i hate to color by using poster color or water color the most, but like it or not, i need to do it because it's 10% or my total mark in design studies... so here it is!!!!( I ruin everything, feel sorry for eiichiro oda) MY color mood the theme is : Madagascar, do i hit the theme?? i hope i did T.T

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It's hard to believe when i woke up this morning and check my facebook account suddenly i saw one of my friends tag a such crazy picture to me, (even the original one is much more different coz this one is after photoshop >,<) this picture just showing that both f them want to start a dance just like the HSM music can i have this dance...

But suddenly the situation change from the such romantic dance now they try to dance some energic dance and later on you will be very surprise coz it change to be a GREAT CAT WAR 4!!!!!!

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My logo

wew... i just realize that i made some mistake!!!!!! publish my photo without have my copyright so i decide to remake it and now i have my own logo here is it!!!!! by using some random picture that i like so much i create the symbol and for the typeface i choose the one thet my school limkokwing choose and here it's my own logo >,<

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My TyPOgRaPiEyyyy

well this also the first time i do the the first time it really hard for me to did it but thanx for my best friend (even now we are fighting hope we will get along soon), she teaches me how to use photoshop, and now i think it's so easy to create...
can you see it cops hunt taxi robbers?????
this is my final !!!

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Hello Hans is here!!!!

To tell you the truth it's the very first time i manage to create my own blog, and one more things that made it more complicated is i dun't know what to do with this LOL.....hahahahahah

So i checked a lot of people blog and i decide to put the whole bunch of photo that i took and i will try to express my self more in this blog...wkwkwkwwkwk (it's some kind of laugh) And hope fully at the end all of you will become Han-hansHOlIC wkwkwkwk

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My first Photoshoot!!!!!!

Hi !!!!!!!!!!!!everyone it's the first time I manage to create my own blog..
but i'm still too confuse about what i gonna publish on my do you have any suggestion for me???? >,< .... So for the first time i decided to upload every photo i took, the before and after.. i'm still learning so maybe my photo is not as good as those professional.... who cares >,< And here !!!! this is my first time shoot by using drsl camera (is it a correct spelling??? i dunno wkwkwkw) please enjoy my shoot n my photo editing >,<>,<

so how is it???? gimme a comment even you said " it's awful still oc it's my first time wkwkwkwwkwk

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